A Leading Voice for Equal Protection

“Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all the unfortunate.”

Proverbs 31:8

Foundation to Abolish Abortion


2023 is a critical year to advocate for equal protection. YOU can amplify our voice.

FAA is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

We had MANY opportunities this year to speak up for babies and be a voice for equal protection.

We look forward to doing even more in 2023!

A Voice to the U.S. Supreme Court 📣

Live coverage from the steps of the Supreme Court

Historic Legal Brief Submitted in Dobbs v. Jackson 

FAA has been an uncompromising voice for equal protection at the U.S. Supreme Court.

Scores of legal briefs were submitted in the Dobbs v. Jackson case by Pro-Life and pro-abortion attorneys. But ours was the ONLY abolitionist legal brief submitted.

FAA united support for equal protection from 21 organizations and 20 state legislators who signed on to our abolitionist brief, where we argued that:

  • The Court should do its duty before God and under the Constitution and overturn Roe.

  • The 14th Amendment requires states to provide the equal protection of the laws to all people.

  • Regardless of what the Court does, it is the DUTY of the states to abolish abortion and establish equal protection for ALL people, including those who are still in the womb.

✅ We are thankful to God that the Court DID heed our arguments and those of many others to overturn Roe, removing a perceived barrier to abolishing abortion.

❌ Unfortunately, though, the Supreme Court DID NOT uphold the preborn child’s Constitutional right to the equal protection of the laws.

Now every state just does what they want. Better, but still evil.

This means there is still a lot more work to be done. 

Dobbs did not settle this issue. In fact, just recently the Supreme Court declined to even hear a case where equal protection for preborn babies was being argued (Jane Doe et al. v. McKee).

That is why the legal work of FAA is CRITICAL to the fight to abolish abortion. Legal briefs arguing for equal protection will need to be written and filed in future cases to urge state and federal courts to uphold the Constitution on this issue to ensure that the life of every person, born or not, is equally protected by our laws.

📣Live Reporting to Keep YOU Informed

At the Supreme Court

FAA reported live from the Supreme Court steps during oral arguments in the Dobbs case.

Roe is overturned!

When the Dobbs decision was announced, FAA broadcast livestream coverage with reactions from abolitionist leaders around the country.

Roe is overturned but abortion is not yet abolished. YOU can help keep the momentum going in 2023!

FAA is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

A Voice to the Republican Party 📣

Progress for Equal Protection at the Republican State Convention

The 2022 Republican State Convention in Houston was our best convention yet since we first advocated for abolition there back in 2016. We kept all the ground we’ve gained in the past plus we ADDED an equal protection plank and strengthened the RPT Priorities.

We had 50+ volunteers working hard to advocate for their preborn neighbors and they did an incredible job!

  • They distributed over 7,000 of our Resolution pamphlets and over 3,000 equal protection postcards. 😮

  • They collected over 1,400 petition signatures from delegates and stood to speak on behalf of equal protection before committees and during floor debate. 🙌

  • We sent texts on equal protection to over 7,000 delegates who were in attendance. 📱

Many seeds were sown that we are confident will bear fruit far into the future.

📣 Testifying in RPT committee hearings

FAA president Bradley Pierce and FAA board member J.R. Haas spoke for equal protection before the RPT Legislative Priorities Committee.

Your generous year-end donation helps AMPLIFY our voice!

FAA is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

A Voice to State Governments 📣

FAA Drafted Abolition Bills for Two Additional States in 2022

States where abolition bills have been introduced.

Legislation we drafted (or assisted with drafting) has been introduced in eight states so far.

FAA president, constitutional attorney Bradley Pierce, has drafted more than a dozen equal protection bills filed to abolish abortion.

Right now, FAA is working on drafting legislation for at least seven more states for 2023.

Abolition bills must be written to interact with existing law in each state. That means there is no one-size-fits-all solution. 

When activists and legislators who are working on introducing a bill of equal protection in their state come to FAA and ask for assistance with their bill, we want to say YES every time.

Christians who do grassroots work in each state need legal assistance to introduce effective legislation that will completely abolish abortion in their state. FAA is committed to providing that assistance as often as we can.

That’s why we need YOUR help.

Each time we prepare an abolition bill for a new state we need to be there to prepare advocates to be a voice for that bill.

Abolition Bill Process

This critical legal support equips legislators and abolitionist activists across the country as they seek abolition in their states.

That’s why we need YOU to make your most generous donation today so we don’t have to turn anyone away that needs our help!

Your donation NOW enables us to say YES every time a new state asks us for help.

FAA is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Louisiana HB 813: First Abolition Bill to Receive a House Vote

Historic House Vote in Louisiana - HB 813

In 2022, HB 813: The Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act, a bill FAA drafted, was the first abolition bill in the country to make it through committee and to the House floor for a vote.

This shows tremendous progress for abolition!

Watch Bradley Pierce Testify on Behalf of Louisiana HB 813.

Unfortunately, HB 813 was killed on the House floor by Pro-Life politicians who were listening to the voice of 75+ national and state Pro-Life organizations who urged them to vote NO on bills that would provide the equal protection of the laws to preborn babies.

You read that right. 

National Right to Life (NRTL) and 75 other Pro-Life organizations published an open letter to legislators across the country. They urged them to NEVER pass legislation that would treat preborn babies equally to born people under the law. 

Never. 😲


And Louisiana’s Pro-Life legislators listened to the voice of NRTL and voted NO on abolishing abortion.

That’s why it is CRITICALLY important for FAA to be on location for pivotal events as a strong voice for equal protection.

Your support means we can SHOW UP and SPEAK UP for babies across the country.

Your generous donation helps our voice be heard when and where it counts the most!

FAA is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

A Voice to the Media 📣

Abolition is in the News!

In 2022 there has been more media buzz over abolition and equal protection than we have ever seen before. Abolition bills are being introduced in more states and getting enough traction to alarm pro-abortion forces.

FAA quickly became a recognized voice for equal protection as the nationwide conversation on abortion took center stage in 2022.

National news outlets are contacting and covering FAA, including The New York Times, The Daily Wire, CNN, NBC Nightly News, NPR, The Washington Post, USA Today, Forbes, Bloomberg, and many others.


Because FAA takes a clear and unapologetic stand to speak for the equal protection of the laws for babies in the womb.

We are excited about these opportunities and grateful to be able to proclaim the God-honoring ideas of abolition and equal protection to thousands of people who have never heard of them before. 

We thank God for our donors who enable us to be a VOICE for all babies in this arena. 

With abolition gaining traction across the country, engaging with the media to be a voice for equal protection to the nation will become an increasingly essential part of this work.

Invest $50, $100, $250, or more today to help AMPLIFY our voice in 2023.

FAA is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

A Voice to the Church 📣

2022 Church Leaders Conference

It is the duty of the Church to practice love, mercy, and justice toward our preborn neighbors. The success of efforts to abolish abortion in states across the country depends heavily on the faithfulness of the Church.

This is why FAA invests heavily in bringing biblical teaching on this issue to the Church and her leaders.

FAA hosted our first Church Leaders Conference in August of 2022. 

We called upon pastors and other church leaders to use their God-given gifts of preaching, teaching, and leading with one unified, principled voice to abolish abortion for the glory of God.

We brought together pastors and leaders who are seasoned in the fight to abolish abortion to give messages which are critical to preparing the Church for the post-Roe fight.

Pastor Gunter explains why he calls himself an abolitionist.

📣We livestreamed the 2022 FAA Church Leaders Conference to Facebook and YouTube and then released the individual messages to YouTube after the conference in order to amplify the impact of the event and bring this timely teaching to many more people who need to hear it. These videos have had over 10k views so far!

📣 Teaching and Preaching

FAA president Bradley Pierce also had a variety of opportunities to preach and teach as churches invited him to speak to their congregations.

Sermon at Mountain Top Church in Cisco, Texas

Help us reach more churches and Christian leaders in 2023!

FAA is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Equip Grassroots Advocates to be a Voice 📣

Abolition is gaining momentum across the country. There is a growing need to equip them with quality resources to help them advocate for equal protection in their states. 

FAA wants to be there to support advocates across the country.

📣 Teaching and Workshops

Equal protection advocates need training to answer common questions and objections to abolition bills and equal protection.

FAA’s goal is to disciple effective advocates who can argue confidently and without compromise for equal protection for babies in the womb.

Bradley Pierce explains how equal protection works within the American justice system and debunks many of the common objections to the criminalization of abortion.

📣 Resources for Advocates

In 2022, we designed an Equal Protection postcard suitable for use in any state. We made the print-ready art for this postcard available for any organization or advocate to use for free.

We would like to produce many more resources to equip grassroots advocates for equal protection to speak effectively in their communities on behalf of ALL preborn babies.

Help us equip advocates to speak up!

FAA is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

What is Ahead in 2023? 📣

2023 is a critical year in the fight for equal protection and we need your help.

In 2023, we want to be there when and where the call for equal protection needs to be heard. Your support right now can help amplify our voice for equal protection through projects like these:

  • 🎥 Video and other media. Help us reach hundreds of thousands of Pro-Life Christians with the message of equal protection through high-quality livestream and video content. In 2022 we were able to broadcast live abolitionist coverage from the Supreme Court steps during oral arguments in the Dobbs case and from Baton Rouge during the historic House vote on HB 813, and live reactions from abolitionist leaders when Roe was overturned. The videos from our Church Leaders Conference have over 10,000 views already, and we’ve produced many other video resources. 

  • 🏛️ Drafting legislation for more states. When you support our work you enable us to say YES every time leaders and legislators across the country ask us for help drafting their bills. When we draft a bill we also want to provide assistance with preparing it to file and advising and preparing legislators and activists to answer objections and advocate for the bill.

  • ✈️ Traveling to support abolition bills around the country. When we draft bills we also want to be able to attend hearings and rallies in support of them, testify before committees, and provide support during key events. Beyond that we want to provide broadcast coverage for key events related to abolition to inform activists and grow the movement across the country.

  • 💼 Drafting and filing legal briefs. The U.S. Supreme Court still has not upheld the preborn child’s Constitutional right to the equal protection of the laws. Dobbs did not settle this issue and more abolitionist legal briefs will need to be filed in future cases.

  • ⛪ Equipping and activating the Church. We know that the key to fighting the evil of abortion and WINNING is for the Church to engage in the battle. We want to continue to equip pastors and church leaders to lead their congregations in this fight. We had 150+ attendees at our 2022 Church Leaders Conference in Houston, Texas. The videos we published from this conference have had over 10,000 views already. We would like to make this a yearly event.

Please help amplify our voice in 2023

We need YOU to enable us to say YES to advocates across the country who are asking for our help.

Now is not the time to lose the momentum we’ve built in 2022.

Remember, Roe is overturned but abortion is NOT YET abolished. Precious babies are still not equally protected by law.

These innocent children need our voice. Supporters like YOU amplify our voice and make sure we can be there to speak WHEN and WHERE it counts.

Don’t wait! Make your most generous year-end donation TODAY.

We are grateful for your support.

FAA is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.