Use our postcard to help educate people about Equal Protection for preborn human beings.
Print and share as much as you want.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Add your own organization’s information
On the bottom-left of the back of the postcard, we have left some space blank for you to use. The purpose of this blank area is for you or your organization, if you want, to add your own name, logo, and website. You can either add your information before printing, or you can add a sticker afterwards.
To add your information, you must follow these guidelines:
Include the statement “For more information, contact:” followed by your name, organization logo, and website address in whatever arrangement you prefer.
Underneath your information, you must include the following text (without the quotation marks) in a legible-sized italics font: “Not affiliated with or endorsed by FAA.”
No other content, style, or other changes are allowed without separate written permission from FAA.