Recognize life from fertilization
An individual human life begins at the moment God combines the reproductive cell of a man with that of a woman and begins the process of forming the body of the child in the womb—biblically called conception, and biologically called fertilization.
Gen. 4:1, 4:17, 16:11, 19:36, 21:2, 25:21-22, 29:32-35, 30:5, 30:7, 30:17, 30:19, 30:23, 38:3-5, 38:24-25; Ex. 2:2, 21:22; Lev. 12:2; Num. 11:12; Judg. 13:2-7; Ruth 4:13; 1 Sam. 1:20, 2:21, 4:19; 2 Sam. 11:5; 2 Kings 8:12, 15:16; 1 Chron. 4:17, 7:23; Job 10:8-12, 31:15; Ps. 51:5, 139:13-15; Ecc. 11:5; Is. 7:14, 8:3, 26:17-18, 44:2, 44:24, 49:5; Jer. 1:4-5, 20:17, 31:8; Hos. 1:3, 1:6, 1:8, 2:5, 13:16; Amos 1:13; Matt. 1:18-23; Luke 1:24, 1:31, 1:36
Affirm equal value
From the moment of fertilization, all human beings are created equal and have equal value because all are made by God in His own image.
Oppose partiality in judgment
God’s holy character despises partiality in judgment and unequal weights and measures, but a just weight is His delight.
Deut. 10:17-18; 2 Chron. 19:6-7; Job 34:10-19; Prov. 17:15, 22:2; Acts 10:34-35; Rom. 2:6-12, 10:12; Gal. 2:6; Eph. 6:9; Col. 3:23-25; 1 Tim. 5:21; James 2:1-9; 1 Pet. 1:17-19; Lev. 19:35-36; Deut. 25:13-15; Prov. 11:1, 16:11, 20:10, 20:23; Ezek. 45:10; Hos 12:7; Micah 6:11; Isaiah 11:1-4
Follow God’s example
Consistent with His character, God’s Word treats preborn persons similarly to born persons, including requiring similar justice for harm criminally done to either, and using the same terms to describe children whether inside or outside the womb.
Call for justice
God commands civil authorities to do justice generally, and to do justice to the fatherless specifically, and He forbids them to show partiality in judgment.
Obey the lawful governing authority
Unless inconsistent with His word, God commands every person to “be subject to the governing authorities.”
Rom. 13:1-7; Titus 3:1; 1 Pet. 2:13-17
In the United States of America, the primary civil governing authorities are the Constitution of the United States—”the supreme law of the land”—and the constitutions of the states (U.S. Const. Art. VI, Cl 2).
The Constitution of the United States provides, "No state shall...deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws” (U.S. Const. Amend. 14).
Numerous state constitutions have similar provisions.
Love your preborn neighbor
Jesus commands what is commonly called the Golden Rule, that “whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them,” and He sums up the whole of the Scriptures for how we must think and act toward our neighbors from fertilization onwards with the Royal Law: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
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