Grassroots Texans Unite Behind Abolition

Grassroots conservative leaders from across Texas are uniting behind HB 2197.

Filed on Wednesday by Representative Brent Money, HB 2197 would abolish abortion by providing every preborn child in Texas with the equal protection of the laws.

Shortly after HB 2197 was filed, Abolish Abortion Texas released a joint statement, signed by conservative leaders from across Texas, urging the legislature to pass HB 2197.

The statement was signed by Republican Party of Texas Chair, Abraham George, along with Vice Chair D’rinda Randall. The statement was also signed by JoAnn Fleming of Grassroots America We The People PAC, Julie McCarty of the True Texas Project, Dr. Abby Johnson, David Covey, 17 State Republican Executive Committee members, and 22 county Republican party chairs.

Christin Bentley, SREC from Senate District 1, wrote on X,

“While Texas acknowledges that life begins at conception, it does not ensure equal protection under the law, and that must change!”

The platform of the Republican Party of Texas states,

“We urge the Texas Legislature to enact legislation to abolish abortion by immediately securing the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all preborn children from the moment of fertilization and to oppose legislation that discriminates against any preborn children and violates the United States Constitution by denying such persons equal protection of the laws.”

Equal protection has been the party line of Texas Republicans for over eight years. The explicit endorsement of a bill of equal protection by the Chair and Vice Chair of the Republican Party of Texas and many other party officials only further solidifies this reality.

Texas Republicans are boldly demanding the abolition of abortion. It is now simply a question of whether Republicans in the Texas legislature will act on their mandate from the party to abolish abortion.


Rep. Samantha Poetter Parshall Files Bill to Abolish Abortion in Kansas


North Dakota: Abolition Bill Scheduled for Committee Hearing on February 5; Planned Parenthood Mobilizes Against Abolition