Representative Emory Dunahoo Files Bill to Abolish Abortion in Georgia
ATLANTA, GA - State Representative Emory Dunahoo filed HB 441, the Georgia Prenatal Equal Protection Act, which would classify the act of abortion as homicide and provide equal protection to all preborn children from the moment of fertilization.
HB 441 already has 21 Republican co-sponsors, indicating a very significant level of support for equal protection among House Republicans in Georgia. These co-sponsors include Mike Cameron, Charlice Byrd, Danny Mathis, Trey Kelley, Martin Momtahan, Mitchell Horner, Rob Clifton, Noelle Kahaian, Steve Tarvin, Dale Washburn, Joseph Gullett, Matthew Gambill, Josh Bonner, David Huddleston, Derrick McCollum, Eddie Lumsden, Will Wade, David Clark, Chas Cannon, Johnny Chastain and Kasey Carpenter.
As of now, 22% of Georgia House Republicans have signed onto HB 441, indicating perhaps the highest level of support for equal protection among Republican Legislators within any state so far.
The murder of preborn babies in Georgia is taking place at an astronomical rate. In 2023, over 43,000 Georgia preborn babies were murdered. More than 23,790 of these abortions were provided by abortion facilities in Georgia,[1] while an additional 13,850 occurred out of state.[2] Another estimated 5,504 Georgia mothers legally performed self-managed abortions inside the state using abortion pills.[3]
“Despite our heartbeat bill which became law several years ago, tens of thousands of abortions are still taking place legally in our state. Allowing over 43,000 babies to be legally murdered is inconsistent with who we are as a state. That is why I have filed HB 441, which would protect every preborn child from abortion in the state of Georgia by protecting their lives with the same laws that protect everybody else,” said Representative Dunahoo.
HB 441 is Representative Dunahoo’s second attempt at abolishing abortion in Georgia. In 2023, Dunahoo filed HB 496, which was killed in the Public Health Committee by liberal Republican committee chair, Sharon Cooper, who refused to give the bill a hearing.
Representative Dunahoo is on the political front lines of the war against abortion. If you live in Georgia, please contact your state legislators and ask them to co-author HB 441.
Maddow-Zimet I, Philbin J, DoCampo I and Jones RK, Monthly Abortion Provision Study, updated Oct. 18, 2024,
Foundation to Abolish Abortion, Babies Unprotected: An Analysis of Self-Induced Abortion Numbers in States with “Bans”, published October 16, 2024, accessed January 28, 2025,