Representative Zach Dieken Files Bill to Abolish Abortion in Iowa
DES MOINES, IA - State Representative Zach Dieken filed HF 453, which would classify the act of abortion as homicide and provide equal protection to all preborn children from the moment of fertilization.
Iowa currently regulates abortions after 6 weeks, while providing total legal immunity for mothers who murder their own babies. While we have seen no data yet available on the abortion numbers inside Iowa since heartbeat legislation went into effect in 2024, we can see that even in other states with similar legislation overall abortion numbers have not gone down.[1]
In 2023, over 4,000 babies were murdered by abortion in Iowa.[2]
“Current Iowa abortion laws are not sufficient to safeguard the lives of preborn babies in our state. Abortion is still completely legal in Iowa up to six weeks, while mothers have blanket legal immunity to take the lives of their preborn children through self-managed abortion at any stage in the pregnancy. The legislature is duty bound before God to immediately abolish abortion in our state, and that is why I have introduced HF 453," said Representative Dieken.
HF 453 is co-sponsored by Representatives Craig Johnson, Samantha Fett, Mark Cisneros, Dean Fisher, Charley Thomson, and John Wills.
Guttmacher Institute.