Senator Brandon Shippy Files Bill to Abolish Abortion in Idaho

Senator Brandon Shippy Files Bill to Abolish Abortion in Idaho

BOISE, ID — Yesterday, after receiving a print hearing, State Senator Brandon Shippy officially filed SB 1059, the Idaho Prenatal Equal Protection Act, which would abolish abortion in Idaho by establishing equal protection for preborn children.

Senators Josh Kohl and Christy Zito, along with Representative Dale Hawkins have already stepped forward and co-authored the bill.

Current Idaho law denies preborn children the equal protection of the laws by:

  1. Allowing babies conceived in rape and incest to be aborted

  2. Allowing self-induced abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy

In recent years, Idaho Republicans have enacted various Pro-Life laws, including a “heartbeat bill,” regulating abortions after roughly six weeks and a “trigger law,” which prohibits abortionists from performing most abortions, starting at conception. However, both of these laws provide explicit legal immunity to mothers who choose to murder their own babies, and thus, abortion remains legal in Idaho.

Because of this, the abortion genocide continues unabated in Idaho. In 2023, about 1,260 Idaho babies were aborted in clinics outside of Idaho,[1] with an additional estimated 1,236 babies killed on Idaho soil in self-managed abortions by mothers.[2] Therefore, in 2023, about 2,500 Idaho babies were murdered in abortion, representing a roughly 18% increase year over year from 2021.

“As a multi-generational Idahoan, I firmly believe that protecting innocent life is core to our identity as a state and to the Idaho Way. All of God’s children deserve to receive equal protection under the law,” Senator Brandon Shippy told the Foundation to Abolish Abortion.

Senator Shippy is on the political front lines of the war against abortion. If you live in Idaho, please contact your state legislators and ask them to co-author SB 1059, the Idaho Prenatal Equal Protection Act.


  1. The Guttmacher Institute

  2. Babies Unprotected Report, Journal of the American Medical Association


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