
Rep. Rob Harris Prefiles Bill to Abolish Abortion in South Carolina
State Representative Rob Harris prefiled H. 3537 the South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act, which would abolish abortion in South Carolina by providing equal protection to every preborn child.

Press Release: Abortion Numbers Have Increased, Even in Pro-Life States
On October 16, 2024 the Foundation to Abolish Abortion (FAA) released the latest Babies Unprotected report.
FAA finds that Pro-Life laws banning clinics and doctors from performing abortions are not reducing overall abortion numbers.
While many Pro-Life leaders claim that some states are “abortion-free” and that tens or hundreds of thousands of lives have been saved by post-Roe abortion bans, the reality is that more babies from these states are being aborted now than were in 2019 before any of the Pro-Life “bans” went into effect.