State Representative Brent Money filed HB 2197 to abolish abortion.
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Legislative updates
State Representative Bryan Slaton filed HB 2709 to abolish abortion.
State Senator Bob Hall filed SB 2198 to abolish abortion.
State Representative Bryan Slaton filed HB 3326, the Abolition of Abortion through Equal Protection for All Unborn Children Act.
State Representative Stephanie Klick, Chair of the Texas House Public Health Committee, refused to give the bill a hearing, thereby killing it.
Rep. Slaton and State Senator Bob Hall also filed the Roe v. Wade Is Unconstitutional Act (HB 3641 and SB 1671). Both House State Affairs Committee Chairman Chris Paddie and Senate State Affairs Committee Chairman Bryan Hughes refused to give the bills hearings, thereby killing both bills.
State Representative Tony Tinderholt filed HB 896 to abolish abortion.
State Representative Jeff Leach, Chairman of the Texas House Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee, gave the bill a hearing on April 8, 2019.
After the hearing, Chairman Leach refused to put the bill to a vote of the committee, thereby killing it.
State Representative Tony Tinderholt filed HB 948, the Abolition of Abortion in Texas Act..
State Representative Byron Cook, Chairman of the Texas House State Affairs Committee, refused to give the bill a hearing, thereby killing it.